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2010 Jan minutes
Salem Council on Aging
Board of Directors

Minutes from meeting of Jan. 20, 2010

Meeting was called to order by Chair Pat Donahue, at 6:37 p.m.

Roll call
Present: Pat Donahue (chair, PD), Elaine Heredeen (treasurer; EH), Dolores Nangle (DN), Alice Williams (AW), Pam Greaves (PG), Donna Clifford (DC), Joan Lovely (JL, City Council liaison to the COA).
Absent: Domingo Alvarez, James Willis, Jane Sarnowski,

EH: Motion to accept minutes of January meeting.

AW: Seconded.

·       Thanks Sandy George and Amy Walsh for having made arrangements for the board’s holiday party in December.
·       Refers to bylaws regarding meeting attendance and would like to see it adhered to in the future. In the case of three consecutive absences, or four absences over the course of one year, “unless you have the courtesy to inform us,” should result in dismissal from the board.
·       Asks COA Director Doug Bollen to present his monthly report.

Doug Bollen:
·       State is requiring municipal employees, which technically includes volunteer COA board members, to take an online ethics test. Refers board members to For those without computers, they are available at the public library or the Senior Center. The 25-question test must be completed by April 2, 2010.
·       Ann Hartstein, new secretary of the state’s Executive Office of Elder Affairs, visited the Salem Senior Center Thursday, Jan. 14, at 12:45 p.m., as part of her statewide “Listening Tour.”
·       The COA received donations from Michael Kompa ($1,000) and Peter LaChappelle, representing the Freemasons Lodge (twenty $20 gift cards to Stop & Shop).
·       The COA still anticipated taking receipt of two passenger vans, through North Shore Elder Services, in February.
·       Goldentones Director Tom Bold will be resigning at the end of January. A replacement is being sought. It is a paid position, per rehearsal/performance. PG suggests publicizing the position at area colleges, like Salem State and Endicott.
·       The Friends of the Salem Council on Aging donated two computer operating systems to the COA to assist the tax aides.
·       There will be a public meeting, hosted by the Planning Department, Thursday, Jan. 21, 7 p.m., at 120 Washington St., in regard to permitting for the anticipated COA facility at the corner of Boston and Bridge streets.
·       There have been two public hearings, hosted by the Planning Department, on reuse of the 5 Broad Street facility. COA Asst. Dir. Bill Woolley (BW), who attended the second of those hearings, noted that three scenarios for reuse were presented: 15-unit residential; mixed use residential/commercial (restaurant); and accommodating the City Hall Annex offices from 120 Washington St.
·       BW is asked to talk about a visit to the Chelsea Senior Center to explore ways in which that COA promotes access to Spanish-speaking and other minority senior citizens. BW explains that Salem COA board member Domingo Alvarez, Salem COA receptionist Rosanna Donahue and Salem State College intern Samantha Barias joined him on the trip. It is hoped that a Service Incentive Grant application ($6,000) for an outreach program to Spanish-speaking senior citizens and their families (second year of a three-year request) will be accepted.
·       The Project Lifesaver program is in place. Sandy George is the COA contact for the Salem Police Department. She says there are 6-8 people at the Brookhouse Home who may need the tracking device, and that two other people have called to inquire about it. Friends of the SCOA Liaison to the COA board Andy LaPointe said the Friends are most interested in providing financial assistance to people who would not ordinarily be able to afford the cost ($99 initially; $30/month maintenance fee). A Community Development Block Grant has been applied for to cover the projected annual cost of five participants.
·       The COA is looking for more snow shovelers for 17 senior citizens who have expressed a need to have that work done in the event of snowfall. There are currently five shovelers in the program. The COA simply connects senior citizens with shovelers, who negotiate a fee for the service. Those interested in shoveling should contact Sandy George at the Senior Center.
·       Statistics: Transportation -- In December 2008, COA transportation provided 1,139 point-to-point rides; 1,219 in December 2009. Congregate meals -- In December 2008, 226 congregate meals were served; 349 in December 2009. Home-Delivered Meals -- In December 2008, 1,940 meals were delivered; 2,198 in December 2009. Social Services -- In November 2009, 319 senior citizens (60 and older) were served 457 times; 12 people under the age of 60 were served 19 times. In December 2009, 344 senior citizens (60 and older) were served 472 times; 16 people under the age of 60 were served 27 times.
·       Attendance at COA events: The New Years party (64); pizza party (87); North Shore Regional Vocational Technical School lunch (15); Black Cat Café lunch at Salem High School (21 are signed up). Coming events include Valentines Day party at the Moose Family Center, intergenerational activities during February school vacation week, a comedy show. DN mentions a new trivia game that debuted in January. A trip to a Salem High School basketball game has also been scheduled, as part of an effort to appeal to more male senior citizens.
·       The COA is waiting to see what the 2011 budget will look like. JL notes that a $1.5 million cut in local aid to the City of Salem is anticipated, and that a lodging/meal tax could generate $500K-800K to offset that cut.
·       In regard to the current COA budget, “everything looks good. We won’t be desperate, as long as there are no mid-year cuts.” The City’s fiscal year is July 1 to June 30.

JL: Wonders what the role of the COA board will be in the design and layout of the new COA facility.

DB: The Mayor has said a committee will be put together soon in that regard.

PD: Acknowledges Andy LaPointe (AL).

·       Communication has been made with Bill Woolley in regard to reapplying for an FCC license to use two-way radios for the passenger vans. The Friends may be able to pay for the costs associated with that licensure.
·       The Friends may also consider helping fund furnishings for the new COA facility, through pursuit of grants.
·       The Friends are also working on an appeal letter, with input from the Friends of the Peabody Council on Aging, which does a very successful annual appeal letter.
·       Notes the passing of Friends member Dennis Coleman’s sister earlier in the week.

EH: Motion to adjourn.

PG: Seconded.

PD: Adjourns meeting at 7:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Bill Woolley, having taken minutes at the request of COA